Book an Appointment at HealthOne Wellness Toronto
Welcome to HealthOne Toronto, located at 110 Harbour Street.
In order to book an appointment online, you will need to add a credit card to your file. Your card will not be charged at this time. You will be able to choose a payment method after you attend your appointment.
Cancellation Reschedule Policy: We require 24 hours’ notice for any cancellations or rescheduling requests. If you miss, cancel, or reschedule an appointment within the 24-hour time frame you will be charged a fee for Wellness services, and 100% for Mental Health services. Please contact us at 416-613-5633 or, if you have any questions.Our clinic offers direct billing. Please speak with a member of our team to learn more. We’re excited to support you on your health journey!
Welcome to our online booking site
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic Medicine is a form of holistic healthcare that focuses on addressing all aspects of your well-being. Naturopathic Doctors (ND) consider your mental, physical, and environmental health while creating performing your assessment and creating a treatment plan. Through their work, ND's are able to uncover the root cause of any issues or symptoms you may be experiencing. They encourage you to be an active participant in your health journey every step of the way.
Naturopathic Programs & Testing
Our Naturopathic Doctors (ND) at HealthOne offer various programs and tests. Through the use of specialized lab tests, our ND's can uncover the root cause of your health problems and specific information about your health that may often be missed by general practitioners. They will then use this information to create a customized treatment plan to help you heal. One of our specialized offerings is our Gut Health program. We invite you to learn more during a complimentary consultation!
Acupuncture is an effective treatment offered at HealthOne by our Registered Acupuncturists and Naturopathic Doctor. The procedure involves inserting very fine needles into the skin and can provide a variety of benefits including pain relief, improved overall wellness, and reduced stress. Our practitioners can use acupuncture to help you with anxiety, depression, fertility, digestion, sleep, muscle tension, and more. It is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine which aims to rebalance energy in the body and mind.
Registered Dietitian
At HealthOne Wellness, our Registered Dietitians are here to help you achieve your nutrition goals in a sustainable way. We consider all aspects of your lifestyle and can create a custom plan based on your goals. Common examples include addressing weight, managing chronic disease, supporting digestive health and more. Choose from our variety of different services and programs.
Certified Adult Sleep Coach
Are you struggling to sleep well at night? Our Certified Sleep Coach at HealthOne can help! This is a specialized healthcare provider who will work with you to understand your unique sleep challenges and identify the root causes. They focus on five key areas: mindset, routine, surroundings, nutrition, and activity, and will make personalized recommendations in these areas to help you improve your sleep quality and overall health.
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Located at: 110 Harbour St., Suite 301, Toronto
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Need Help? 416-613-5633